Friday, May 20, 2005

silly, huh?

It was so much fun getting ready that day...A day out with the girls. And we were going to get our nails done. It sounds so silly now, but I was excited. I would be able to "clink" when I tapped my fingers on a table, and maybe I would look like a lady. I may be almost 23, but I don't think I'm there yet. Sometimes at work when I'm taking care of patients, a guilty giggle will slip out, at the thought of them seeing their nurse playing hide-and-go-seek at college, or blowing bubbles in her chocolate milk (yes, I still think that's fun). They think I'm a grown-up professional. He, he...

Anyway, back to that morning...we met at the shop and all decided on french manicures. The people fixing our nails must have known we were newbies, as we kept peeking at eachother and grinning, and waving with our Madusa hands. How could a person ever function with them that long? It's beyond me. As I was to find out though, even the 3mm I had them trimmed to, would prove challenging. But for that day, we couldn't have been more pleased.

Now skipping ahead to two nights later, I was sitting at the computer enjoying my first blogging experience. I was having such fun capturing in words a special momemnt in my life. The fly in the ointment though, was that just about every keystroke produced two letters on the screen. And not only were my nails making it hard to type, but they kept finding their way in between my teeth. They're so sneaky! The moment my thoughts were on something else, they would slip back in there and I'd start chewing on them again. It was only a matter of time before I had chipped one thumb nail and cracked the other right down the middle. Shoot! Well, they didn't look too bad, and I certainly didn't want to go spend $4 a piece to get them fixed. So, I resolved to be more careful.

And that lasted exactly two days. My breaking point came (ha ha, breaking point...aghem-Sorry) at Home Depot. I had gone to help my mom pick out counter tops and we ended up sitting at one of the employee's desks for almost an hour as he drew out what she wanted for an estimate. Within the first five minutes I was chewing again. It was a little nerve racking though, because it sounded so loud. I just knew any second the guy was going to look up from his pencil at me and say "honestly, that is so gross. Please stop, I can't concentrate." Sadly though, even that scary prospect couldn't stop my relentless habit.

"Crack!" And there went my pointer finger. Instead of splitting it down the middle though, the top had completely broken off. There was no going back now. By the time the man had circled the final price for my mom, I had two intact nails left. I hadn't lasted a week! And you'd think I would have felt sick for just chewing up and spitting out $24. And I guess I did a little, but mostly I was relieved to have those things off! I remember looking down and thinking, "You know God, I really like the way you did them better".

God does everything better.


Fran said...

I had some of those once upon a time in a land far away (before children!) I discovered that sewing is terribly hard with fake nails. I also discovered that it is possible to sew thru one while using a sewing machine! Fortunately for my pride I was able to rescue myself and didn't have to call for help. But I did 86 those nails. You're cute just the way you are Elaina! (And just for the record, I'll be 34 in less than two weeks and I'm still not a mature or a lady!) :)

Kim said...

LOL Elaina you crack me up!! I'm so glad you started blogging! I've never had fake nails because I'm sure I'd be right there with you in Home Depot, chewing. hehe

Cora said...

Elaina: You little booger! When did you start blogging?

Loved hearing about your adventures with your nails. You are more of a lady than you know.

And you ARE cute just the way you are!

Christabelle said...

I found you! I didn't know you were blogging either. As for fake nails, I like mine too much to cover them up!

elaina said...

wow! hi everyone, I hadn't checked this in quite a while! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with a chewing problem! (: And Christabelle, you're right...yours a far too pretty!
God bless you all!

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