Friday, October 21, 2005

one sheep, two sheep, red sheep, no sleep...

I'm getting to be a habitually late-night blogger. I don't know that four entries makes a person a habitual anything though...I told Fran that I have to wait till I'm inspired. You know what she said? "Writing is 10%inspiration and 90% perspiration." Dang, that took all the soundness out of my argument. But anyway, I'm back at it and not feeling particularly inspired either. So Franny, we'll see what happens...

Tonight at college group we watched a video on sharing the gospel. The main point was that God has given us His law to bring people to Himself and the truth. I have had such a burden to open up and talk to people lately, but I always chicken out. And consequently, I feel like a failure and totally condemned. Reading that book about Keith Green was a big part of it. After he found Jesus, Keith and his wife were constantly telling everyone and people were believing and being saved all the time. While I was reading that, I saw a picture of what my life could be like if I would open up and let God use me. Well, I purposed in my heart to take a walk the next day and share with the people I happened to run into. And the next didn't happen. I've felt like this is a huge mountain in front of me. So I began to pray that God would remove it. I am to the place where I know I just can't do it. I'm too scared, completely inadequate, and honestly I don't care enough about peoples' eternal destiny. When I got down to it, I was scared that that was the true condition of my heart. But it was so wonderful to be totally honest with God. And now, I know He is working. He's giving me what I need to get over this mountain. I'm so excited. Thank you Father!


Fran said...

First off, I'm glad you are trying again.

Second, please note I actually blogged myself after an almost 2 month hiatus!

Third, very clever title for this post! I like it!

Fourth, since I know you actually went out and witnessed at the mall I will say "way to go!" Obviously God IS working!

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